Monday, February 3, 2014

Good Bye Dogmatic Wreath

Welcome Social Harmony


When is the Ethiopian political class going to get rid of its dogmatic wreath?
A glance at the political discussion all through the active organized political players and stakeholders would suffice to find out that this is not the case. With this in mind to give social harmony a chance I have presented a model of harmony, which I was promoting during the last decade so that a touch of serenity and sovereignty would come to the latter. Say good bye to the bewildered spirit of the youth of the last generation and its dogmatic wreath to welcome the new youth with the new spirit of enlightenment and cultural development. Make 2015 the year of the enlightened youth for a bright future of peace and social harmony, free of the dogmatic past, making your choice as a sovereign individual to determine your own destiny. (Click here to read more)

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