The end of TPLF (EPRDF) seems nearer than ever
January 26, 2015
by Zekarias Ezra
After having watched what has befallen on the innocent and peaceful marchers in Addis streets on January 25, 2015, it would only be the cynical or the sycophantic who would deny the fact that Ethiopia is on the verge of witnessing a repeat of 2005 atrocities. The brutality we witnessed is but a function of the criminal conduct of perhaps the most callous and cowardly regime in the history of the nation.
It is worth reiterating that TPLF’s corrupt and dangerous ways are bringing the country to the brink. The brutality, the TPLF’s mouth piece tried to justify, is disgusting. The list of the regime’s atrocities is too many to enumerate but no doubt just keeps expanding. Consider the unjust imprisonment of Reyoot, Eskinder, Temesegen and many gallant sons and daughters of Ethiopia.
Mark this prophetic word. The Lord has seen it all soon, very soon, He will repay the just due to each and every one who was involved in the shading of innocent blood. In fact, the January 25, 2015 brutality, heralds the pathetic end of TPLF regime. History is replete with examples of regimes that in the end unceremoniously fell and crushed as a direct result of their brutal treatment of their fellow humans.
For over 23 years, we are living under the total subjugation of TPLF and their associates. Oh, yes, they talk of democracy, economic development, roads, and infrastructure and so on while the average Ethiopian (perhaps 99% of the population) is sinking deeper in the pit of despair. Even in the face of hard evidence, TPLF has refused to change course. I guess, since they have socked deep in the pool of innocent blood, they must have decided ‘going back is as good as proceeding’, and chose to keep marching and in that shows that they are incapable of self-redemption.
Once again, TPLF has clearly shown its single-minded determination and obsession to hang on power in perpetuity. The desperation to hang on power has taken the form of a multi-pronged attack on many fronts: on the media, on the civic society, on political parties and activists. This attack is aided by the divide-and-rule strategy (ethnic based politics) and these days by the corrupt and immoral use of the country’s resources in the promotion of a perverse personal ambition.
The pertinent question we should ask ourselves at this critical moment is this: how can we effectively respond to despotic bunches that have shown they have no qualms whatsoever to resorting to the most shameful of tactics in the pursuit of their selfish aims? History has taught us that there are options available to us in our desire to rid ourselves of profligate and shameful tyrants such as the TPLF.
The lesson is that no dictator should be allowed to hold a nation to ransom without a purposeful challenge by the people. The recent past regimes’ sad and pathetic fall is but a testament to this truth. So, Ethiopians of all walks of life should come out in a concerted peaceful effort to once and for all confront TPLF and its associates and take back their country.